Nutritional Supplements helpful for those on Gluten Free Diet

Can gluten intolerance cause vitamin deficiency? Yes, Celiac Disease sufferers may need to supplement their gluten free diet with ethical nutrients (i.e. vitamins and minerals) that boost the body's ability to produce glutathione. People with Celiac Disease traditional suffer from many aliments due to poor levels of vitamin intake due to their damaged GI tract. You may need To boost your nutrients if You're Gluten-Free - Gluten Free nutritionals from Max International may help Celiac Disease sufferers boost their vitamin intake.

Are you getting enough nutirients from you gluten free diet nutritional supplements may helpIs Your Gluten Free Diet Providing Enough Nutrition?

Gluten is a protein found in certain grains such as wheat, barley, and rye. It causes severe inflammation of the intestinal tract when individuals with celiac disease consume it. It is very important that people with celiac disease avoid eating any gluten at all in order to avoid severe damage to their digestive tract.

Gluten Free Diet

When first diagnosed, many people with celiac disease are dismayed and discouraged at the prospect of eating a gluten-free diet. Many of the foods that are considered stables of the Western diet contain wheat, and therefore people imagine they will end up eating a tasteless, unsatisfying diet. However, a wide assortment of foods, including fruits, vegetables, beans, meat, fish, and dairy are all naturally gluten-free. Most grocery stores today are also offering gluten free breads and pasta. Therefore, most individuals can easily manage to eat a healthy, tasty, and satisfying gluten-free diet. Today, the most difficult part of being gluten free is trying to avoid the endless number of foods that have had gluten added to them during processing or become cross-contaminated with gluten during processing.

Nutrition Absorption Problems

Many people recently diagnosed with celiac disease are suffering from malnourishment due to damage to their intestinal tract. The chronic inflammation caused by consuming gluten prevents the gut from being able to efficiently absorb many nutrients properly. People with undiagnosed or recently diagnosed celiac disease are often deficient in: Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, B vitamins (thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, folate, B12), Vitamin D, Protein, Fiber and Calories.

Children with untreated celiac disease can suffer from stunted growth and delayed puberty due to malnourishment.

Nutritional Supplements May Help

If an individual with celiac disease follows a strict gluten-free diet, in most cases the intestines will eventually heal and become able to absorb nutrients normally. In the meantime, it might be a good idea to take dietary supplements. Even after the gut heals, it might be a good idea to take dietary supplements due to the difficulties in obtaining certain nutrients on a gluten-free diet.

Dietary Deficiencies

A properly and carefully planned gluten-free diet can provide all of the nutrition a person needs. However, many people on a gluten-free diet find they have difficulty in obtaining sufficient amounts of certain vitamins and minerals. The most common nutrients that a gluten-free diet can be deficient in are iron, calcium, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folate. Many people in the U.S. population are dependent on enriched wheat flour to obtain these particular nutrients. Fiber is also lacking in some gluten free diets, because a common source of fiber in the U.S. diet is whole wheat.

Another nutritional problem with gluten-free diets is that many of the foods marketed as gluten-free are essentially junk food, made primarily out of non-nutritious starches. This problem is slowing going away as the quality of gluten free foods improves. Whole-grain and supplemented gluten free flour products are becoming more widely available.

Important Nutrients

Iron deficiency is common in the general population as well as in people with celiac disease. Iron deficiency can lead to anemia. Symptoms of anemia include fatigue, weakness, and headaches. The best sources of iron are all naturally gluten free, namely, meat, nuts, beans, and green leafy vegetables. A daily iron supplement can also help boost the body's iron stores.

Calcium is essential for muscle contractions, blood clotting, and bone health. Calcium deficiency in individuals with celiac disease is hard to treat, because it seems to be primarily due to difficulty in absorbing the nutrient from the damaged digestive tract. Many people with celiac disease are also lactose-intolerant, and therefore consuming dairy products is problematic. Sardines, tofu, and some green leafy vegetables are high in calcium. There are many juices and "milk substitutes" available today that have been supplemented with calcium. A daily calcium supplement may be necessary to quickly re-build the body's stores of calcium.

B vitamins are essential for the healthy function of most parts of the body, including the heart and brain. In the U.S. population, many people are dependent on supplemented wheat flour for their B vitamins. Very few gluten free products are supplemented with B vitamins today. However, B vitamins are widely available in many naturally gluten free foods, including whole grains, nuts, meat, vegetables, beans, and fruit. There are also many "health" and "energy" beverages available today that are supplemented with B vitamins. Vitamin B12 is only found in meat, so vegetarians and vegans must obtain this essential nutrient from supplements. Many complete B vitamin complex (indicating that all of the B vitamins are included) supplements are commercially available.

Vitamin D is essential for many health processes, including healing the damage done to the gut by celiac disease. Vitamin D is obtained through the skin after exposure to sunlight. Most people don't expose their skin to sufficient sunlight to manufacture enough vitamin D, and if they did, they'd be at risk of developing skin cancer. However, too much vitamin D is dangerous. Before taking vitamin D supplements, it's a good idea to get tested to confirm a vitamin D deficiency and to discuss the proper dosage to take with a medical professional.

*** CAUTION ***

Unfortunately, many vitamin and mineral preparations are not gluten-free. Many of these products contain inactive ingredients that contain gluten or are contaminated with gluten. Look for certified gluten free supplements. It's also a good idea to discuss nutritional supplements with a medical professional before taking them, especially for anyone who is pregnant, nursing, or taking medications to treat a chronic condition.


Gluten Free Nutritionals Enhance Glutathione Levels

Max N-Fuze provides essential nutrients possibly missing from a Gluten Free diet

You see the word "gluten" on most every type of food you purchase these days, but some folks may still be curious and left outside the box as to what the word gluten really means and why, for many, gluten free supplements could be the answer they are looking for. Perhaps this article will be of immeasurable importance to you, your family and your health for future years to come.

Max N-Fuze provides essential nutrients possibly missing from a Gluten Free diet. In health and medical terminology, gluten is simply a generic term for the storage of protein found mostly in grain. If your grandmother baked bread back in the old days, and who didn't, gluten is what gives the dough she used it's elasticity - allowing the bread to be leavened; gluten being the specific name of the protein found in wheat. Of course there are different names for other products, but gluten is the one most commonly used.

What Nutrients are lacking in a Gluten Free Diet?

For those who have discovered they are a recipient of gluten intolerance or celiac disease should realize the need for nutritional supplements. This being a result of dietary elimination of foods containing gluten and malabsorption of vitamins due to damage in the lower intestine caused by celiac disease. You should consider liquid supplements and vitamins that absorb quickly and easily in order to meet your daily nutritional requirements. You may also like to consider boosting your natural glutathione production with MaxONE certified gluten free nutritional supplement from Max International. That said, here are several common deficiencies for those reading this article who have gluten intolerance and/or celiac disease:

  • Multivitamins: If you are on a gluten-free diet, to insure you are receiving an adequate amount of nutrients each day, a good multivitamin containing all the essential vitamins and antioxidants should be on your "to do" list. Max Nutrition provides all the essential nutrients required in a single serve sachet mixed with water (for ultimate convenience) of Max N-Fuze.

  • Iron: Being deficient in iron (especially women) is usually the causing factor symptom of celiac disease. It is strongly suggested by the medical establishment that any adult with unexplained iron-deficiency (especially menstruating women) be tested by a doctor for celiac disease.

  • B-Complex Vitamins And B-12: When diagnosed by a doctor, vitamin B-12 and vitamin B-6 were two of the most common low-levels found in those with celiac disease. This is mostly found to be due to the ability to properly absorb the vitamins.

  • Calcium And Vitamin D3: If you have been diagnosed with celiac disease chances are you have bone disorders which are common when osteoporosis is involved. Many who follow a gluten-free diet are also dairy free of lactose intolerant.

The Nasty Side Effects of Celiac Disease

Strangely enough one of the most serious side effects of celiac disease is the inability to absorb any of the needed nutrients. Most people have never viewed their intestines except for taking a brief look at the anatomical posters of the human body at a medical clinic, hospital or doctor's office. But a careful examination of some of those medical charts will reveal the intestinal "villi" which are those finger-like cells responsible for absorbing nutrients in the small intestine. On some people the "villi" has become damaged by your immune system's response to your ingesting gluten. And on some folks, nutrient absorption may never return to normal even if you continue to maintain your gluten-free diet.

Can A Person "CHEAT" On Their Gluten-Free (GFD) Diet?

Well, look at the answer to that question this way. Even those people who swear they are avid followers of the GFD diet, it's totally impossible to eat "gluten-free" 100% of the time. The fact is that recent medical research strongly indicates that for most people celiac disease (CD) can tolerate an exposure of only less than 50mg per day. To break that comment down, that would be equal to about 1/8th teaspoon of wheat flour; the amount being significantly less than a just one slice of bread.

Have you considered the possibility of Cross Contamination?

It's important for you to be careful to not have intentional cross contamination exposure to gluten since damage can occur above that safe level. An example of how that can happening would be when food is processed and you're eating out at a restaurant or just dining in your own kitchen. If you simply follow the gluten-free diet as best you can you'll be able to help heal your own intestines without having to visit a medical facility every week.

The Consequences of Not Following a Strict Gluten Free Diet! 

You have probably heard this comment from your own personal doctor, but it's worth repeating. There are, or can be, serious consequences by not following a GFD. Even minor changes will lead to continuing to damage the lining of your small intestine. It won't help your body in the absorption process, either. And if your doctor didn't mention two other consequences, here they are: osteoporosis and anemia. Oh, and let's not forget you'll be increasing the risk of gastrointestinal cancer and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma too; - ouch!

You Can Live Healthy and Gluten Free

In the final analysis it all boils down to this. If you suspect you have celiac disease and ask yourself: "Should you start on a gluten-free (GFD) diet?", the answer is NO, not immediately. When you visit your doctor due to becoming ill and he or she agrees that your symptoms may, in fact, be due to celiac disease (CD) they may suggest you begin the GFD immediately. At the same time, your doctor may also plan to have a complete blood work and biopsies initiated forthwith so that starting your gluten-free (GFD) diet does not affect the results of those tests. However, if testing is done after, or not too long after, you begin your gluten-free (GFD) diet is started the results of your blood and biopsy tests may not be accurate. So what the medical gurus are saying here is that starting your GFD first without actually knowing or confirming the diagnosis and eventual endoscopy of your small intestine of having celiac disease (CD) is not recommended.

Gluten Free Supplements may help boost essential nutrients lacking from a typical Celiac Disease diet

People on a gluten-free diet (especially those who are newly diagnosed with Celiac Disease) should consider taking certified gluten free nutritional supplements. Not only people with Celiac Disease but also those with milder forms of gluten intolerance may also need to supplement their gluten free diet with ethical nutrients (that contain essential minerals, vitamins and antioxidants) to boost their body's ability to produce glutathione naturally. This will enhance their immune system and speed-up the process of small intestine (GI tract) repair.

NOTE: It is important you keep in mind that celiac disease is not going to go away; it is a life-long illness and will require keeping a life-long gluten-free diet (GFD). One way to keep your body as healthy as possible is to strongly consider not only a gluten-free diet, but nutritional gluten-free supplements as well.

Can Glutathione help people with Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease is a condition where a person is sensitive to gluten and has trouble digesting it. Gluten is a mixture of plant proteins. It is found in foods that contain rye, barley, wheat, wheat germ and graham flour. A healthy person is able to break down the gluten proteins. However, if a person has celiac disease, then the undigested fragments will remain inside of the digestive tract. Chronic diarrhea, abdominal bloating, pain and weight loss are common signs of celiac disease.

Children who have celiac disease may suffer stunted growth. Proper absorption of nutrients is essential for children's growth. That is why children with celiac disease are likely to experience delayed growth. Delayed puberty is another complication of celiac disease in children.

Adults can also experience complications due to celiac disease. Arthritis, iron-deficiency anemia and canker sores are some of the possible complications of celiac disease in adults. Additionally, fertility problems can result from celiac disease. Even if one does not have any symptoms he or she can still develop complications due to celiac disease.

The standard treatment of celiac disease is following a gluten-free diet. New research has shown that glutathione can help people who are suffering from this condition.

What Is Glutathione?

Glutathione is an antioxidant that is found inside of plants. It is produced in about every cell inside of the body. Glutathione helps protect the cells from free radical damage. It also has many other functions in the body. Some of the functions of glutathione include recycling vitamin A and vitamin E, helping the body get rid of toxins and supporting the immune system.

Glutathione is often referred to as the master antioxidant. It can donate electrons to other antioxidants in order to increase their ability to fight free radicals. Celiac disease has been shown to increase free radical production.

How might Glutathione be of Benefit to someone with Celiac Disease?

Studies have shown that Celiac disease patients have lower levels of glutathione inside of their body. There was a 2009 study done that involved 39 children. Nineteen of the children had been diagnosed with Celiac disease. All of the children had undergone an intestinal biopsy. The biopsy showed that the children with celiac disease had higher levels of antioxidant enzymes. An elevated level of antioxidant enzymes is a sign that there are high levels of reactive oxygen molecules inside of the body, which can result in free radical damage.

The study also found that the children with celiac disease also had much higher levels of lipid hydroperoxides. Lipid hydroperoxides are released as the result of oxidative damage. Health experts believe that oxidative damage is the root cause of many chronic diseases. Furthermore, oxidative stress causes celiac disease to worsen. The children also had lower levels of glutathione in their bodies.

Scientists suspect that celiac disease patients have a decreased antioxidant capacity, which can be attributed to the depletion of glutathione. They also stated that dietary supplements and natural antioxidants might be an effective treatment for celiac disease.

How To Increase Glutathione Levels

There are many ways that people can increase their glutathione levels. It can be taken in the form of a supplement. There are also many other supplements that are a precursor to glutathione. Below is a list of some of the supplements that can increase glutathione levels:

Emblica is also known as Amla. It is an herbal antioxidant. It has more vitamin C than any natural plant. Emblica can help stimulate antioxidant enzyme systems, including glutathione peroxidase.

Schisandra is a type of adaptogen. It has been shown to improve the way that the body responds to stress. Schisandra also makes it easier for people to recover from disease and exhaustion. Additionally, it can help increase glutathione levels.

N-Acetyl Cysteine is also known as NAC. It is a bioavailable and stable form of cysteine. It is converted into cysteine inside of the body. Cysteine is a precursor to glutathione. NAC not only helps boost glutathione levels, but it can also prevent cancer, memory loss and heart disease.

You can also increase your glutathione levels by boosting your intake of super foods. Artichokes, berries, green leafy vegetables and dried fruits are all high in antioxidants. However the most effective way of enhancing natural glutathione production is to take Max International nutritionals that contain RiboCeine.