Max ATP: A Game Changer in the Energy Drink Market
The world of sports nutrition has certainly come a long way in the last twenty years. From professional athletes to average Joes with desk jobs, everyone wants to find a product that has them feeling better, working harder, and recovering more quickly. They want that competitive edge any way that they can get it. Many people have turned to energy drinks to provide that competitive edge. You've seen the commercials touting many of these drinks and their ability to keep you up, alert and feeling great for hours.
But what about recovering from a hard day's work, or heavy workout? Energy drinks aren't going to give you much of a boost there. For that kind of recovery and performance enhancement, you need something more. Max International believes they have provided that with their latest drink that they're calling a "performance drink", rather than an energy drink.
What is this New Performance Drink?
Max International has recently released an all-new drink called MaxATP. This drink has some serious claims made by former professional athletes. They are quoted as saying that they are suddenly training like they did when they were much younger, and that they feel great after drinking it. After trying the product for ourselves, we have to agree.
The Science behind MaxATP
Allow us to geek out just a little bit as we deliver the basic science behind this drink as a performance drink, rather than just a typical energy drink like so many others on the market. MaxATP is just one of a handful of products produced by Max International. Their products are primarily focused on increased glutathione production. Glutathione is an incredible master antioxidant that protects your body from developing free radicals when ATP (the primary form of energy in your body) is used. So, if you can have more glutathione in your body, your body will be better able to repair itself during and after physical activities. Sounds great, right? Wouldn't it just be easier to get a glutathione supplement, get huge increases in endurance, and just be done with it though? Why take the time to buy a special drink just to up your antioxidant levels?
The truth is that your body can't absorb glutathione correctly by itself, making supplements ineffective. Thankfully, this drink isn't a glutathione supplement. Rather, it's a way of carefully delivering cysteine to your body, a compound that's necessary to produce more glutathione, which will result in increased energy and endurance, letting you work longer and harder than before.
This all happens because of a proprietary compound found only in Max International products called RiboCeine™. RiboCeine has been found to be the most effective way of increasing your body's natural production of glutathione. This means that after using one of Max International's products (in our case, Max ATP), your body will be increasing it's production of glutathione, and slowing down the damage that your body takes as a result of high energy activities.
We have to admit that at first we were a little skeptical about using RiboCeine rather than a more traditional compound like N-acetylcysteine (NAC) to up our glutathione levels. But consider the scientist behind this, Dr. Herbert Nagasawa. Here is a short list of some of the things Dr. Nagasawa has accomplished over his career.
Senior Editor of the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry for 32 years
Creator of the new 3-minute cyanide antidote for the US Department of Defense
Published over 165 papers in peer-reviewed journals
Senior Career Research Scientist for the Veterans Administration
Ad hoc grant reviewer for the NCI and NIAAA, National Institutes of Health
Sounds legitimate to us.
How It Feels
Now that we've got the science out of the way, let's talk about the drink itself. We have to say, after drinking the latest product from Max International, we really felt different during our activity. We hit the gym, and even though we aren't power lifters by any stretch of the imagination, it certainly seemed that we were able to get more work in without running out of gas. That alone makes this drink worth it for us. It didn't taste noticeably better or worse than other drinks of its type on the market, which is a definite plus. Some of these drinks lately tend to be a bit lackluster when it comes to taste. We understand that this isn't the main reason for consuming it, but it certainly doesn't hurt to not have it taste horrible.
Will it Change the Game
There are a lot of drinks out on the market today claiming all different kinds of benefits. Max International's ATP performance drink stands, in our minds, a step or two above everything else because it has great science behind it from the start. This isn't just a drink to keep you from drooling on your desk in the afternoon after a big lunch. We think it might just be a game changer in the sports nutrition industry if it continues to catch on and people get better informed about just what it brings to the table.
Please Note: The information contained within this website has not been evaluated by the USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA). If you have any concerns about the suitability of Max International products or any other nutritional supplements may we suggest that you seek advice from a qualified medical professional. Max International Nutritional Supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.